Register today for the seminar taking place on Thursday, May 17th at Two Delta Dental in Concord, NH.
Here are some reasons you should register right now:
You want to be current on the latest trends in I-9s.
You need a refresher. Review with us new questions, choices, and solutions made in completing I-9s, how to correct flawed forms and how to avoid them.
Your remote hires, recent merger, or federal contracts present considerable challenges that can be met following this informative seminar.
HRCI credit and a certificate are provided to you so you maintain your HR accreditation.
Knowledgeable speakers and assistants to walk you through real examples.
We include a breakfast buffet!
Visit our
website for more information or click
here to register now.
Filed under:E-Verify, Form I-9 Compliance, HR Events, Immigration Law, Seminar, Worksite Enforcement