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On January 10, 2018, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced its comprehensive worksite enforcement strategy, which is designed to target employers who violate employment laws. ICE’s strategy includes a three-prong approach to conducting worksite enforcement:
Compliance through Form I-9 audits, civil fines, and debarment referrals;
Enforcement through arresting employers who knowing employ undocumented workers; and
Outreach through ICE’s IMAGE program, which aims to instill a culture of compliance and accountability.
Experts have been cautioning about increased worksite enforcement, but ICE’s announcement confirms it. If your company has been putting off taking a closer look at your Forms I-9, the time to take action is now, before ICE comes knocking on your door. Based upon what we have seen and read, the chance of this occurring is greater than ever. Hefty fines and criminal liability can be the result of poorly-completed I-9’s and a poorly-managed employment verification process. Much of this is avoidable by being proactive and taking certain precautionary measures. This must be done whether or not you employ any foreign workers. We can help you and your company stay ahead of violations.
Recently, Asplundh Tree Experts Co., one of the largest private companies in the U.S., was slammed with a $95 million penalty as a result of an ICE worksite enforcement investigation. The penalty was the largest in U.S. history for worksite enforcement, but with ICE’s new strategy, surely it will not be the last. And don’t be fooled, as we have reported here before, enforcement investigations are occurring for all sized businesses including the very small.
Want to take action on your company’s worksite compliance, but not sure where to start? Let GoffWilson be your guide.  Our firm offers I-9 audit and compliance services, including personalized private training and representation should you receive a visit from the immigration service. Contact our office today for more information. Worksite compliance is what we do!
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